Top Onsite Risks for Manufacturers

Hazards in the workplace must be taken seriously, and employee safety should always remain a top priority. What are your procedures to help prevent workplace injury? One main reason employees may choose to work for you over your competitors is that you offer them a safe environment to work in and the promise and appropriate support if they become injured. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducts random inspections of the workplace, so your safety policies must be consistent and fundamental for continued employee safety to pass regulations. Here are some of the most common risks for manufacturers.


Falling, tripping, and slipping on loose materials that were not properly stored or safely used around the workplace are all leading causes of falls in the manufacturing workplace. This is one of the top hazards that lead to injury, time off or death in this industry. All employees must be very cautious walking paths.

Machine Guarding

When heavy machinery is being used daily, it tends to cause complacency or employees to take shortcuts in regards to safety. However, when these machines are improperly used, they can be extremely dangerous to employees. It becomes so much more dangerous because an incident may occur even through normal operations. All too often, this leads to safety breaches and fines. Don't let it happen to you! All employees should be well trained on machine use and guarding. Consider holding meetings to reinforce the importance of this caution.

Powered Industrial Trucks

Workplace deaths and injuries involving powered industrial equipment are other main risks that workers encounter in this industry. Be sure to mandate that proper training and procedures are followed at all times. If you need help getting started, OSHA can help.

Electrical Hazards

Manufacturing facilities are full of electrical hazards that put employees at risks such as unfastened electrical panels, exposed wiring, and improperly installed machinery, just to name a few. Equipment installation should be inspected, check that wiring is insulated and electrical panels are locked. These are all simple acts that help keep workers safe when working with electrical components.

Lockout / Tagout

When working with heavy machinery and other components in the manufacturing industry, the user must undergo the correct procedures to prevent accidental start-up and energy discharge. Those working deep within machinery are particularly vulnerable. Be sure to have adequate warning signs, lockout safeguards, and employee warnings. Sometimes even with all the safety efforts included correctly, unfortunate incidents still occur. This is why securing workers' compensation is so important.

About David G. Sayles Insurance Services

At David G. Sayles Insurance Services, we help our clients decide which of these options is best for them based on their current situation and risk factors.  Contact us at 1-855-977-1842 or for a consultation!

About David G. Sayles Insurance Services

At David G. Sayles Insurance Services, we help our clients decide which of these options is best for them based on their current situation and risk factors. Contact us at 1-855-977-1842 or for a consultation!

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