Marketing Your Craft Brewery in a Crowded Market

Craft beer has become wildly popular in today's society, and the brewery industry has exploded over the past decade. If you are proud of what you offer, stay true to the company's mission, commit to excellent customer service, and keep spreading the word however possible, you have the recipe for success. Although many craft brewers are doing quite well, the industry's popularity has caused more competition than ever. Therefore, your marketing has to be top-notch so that your brewery can stand out in such a saturated marketplace. Use these strategies to level up your marketing.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Are you leveraging social media platforms to their marketing potential they can hold for you? People follow business accounts to keep up with the latest news and get the inside scoop behind the brand. Your beer may be above par, but how do you come up with their names? What does your brewery space look like? Who is putting in the elbow grease behind the scenes? These are all things that your customers will find interest in, and your social profiles are great places to showcase it. If you have the funds to do so, the high-performing posts can even be turned into targeted social ads to attract more followers.

Business Partnerships

Word of mouth is still one of the most effective marketing tools. A great way to broaden your reach is by partnering with local restaurants and businesses. Not only can they stock your beer at their establishment, but you can also go beyond that, such as offering to sponsor their next big event by donating beer or offering a special discount for their customers. If you host events, collaborating with local vendors for a preferred vendor program will allow you to refer these businesses and clients for an event at your venue and vice versa.

Community Involvement

Does your city hold community events? Check out your local paper, chamber of commerce calendar, or coffee shop message board, and see what events are coming up. Notify your team of these events and contact the event coordinators to see if they may be seeking any more vendors or sponsors. If you miss the deadline to participate, it is helpful to keep any recurring events in mind to be part of it the next time around.

Emphasis your Uniqueness

The key to succeeding in a saturated industry is to stand out. What makes you unique? Do you partner with local artists for your designs or use rare ingredients in your ales? Determine what your niche will be that sets you apart. Showing a brand's human side is always a smart approach. What has been the company's journey so far? It is probably not like any others. Effective marketing strategies for a brewery will not be one that is too serious, especially since beer is associated with having fun, relaxing, and enjoying company. Get your creative juices flowing and have a good time with your branding.

Launch a Newsletter

Even if it's only once a month, sending out a brief newsletter can have a major impact on your business. The return on investment for email marketing is significant and well worth your while. For a successful newsletter, consider what you want to speak on and what you think readers may be interested in learning. It doesn't always have to be big news. Even just a refresh on your latest offerings could do the trick. A couple of other ideas include giving information on your tour options or updating readers on where they can purchase your beers around town. The subject line should be catchy (but still somewhat professional), and your social media links should be added at the bottom. It is also wise to include hyperlinks so readers can be directed to know more about newsletter highlights.

Connect with Industry Publications

Reach out to one of the many publications covering the craft beer industry (or their editorial staff members). You can start the convo by simply stating who you are, what you do, and why your brewery is unique. It could be helpful to add a hook that'll make covering your brand newsworthy. You can also ask about web or print ads to help get your brand some exposure. If local publications outside of the industry put out special issues about the beer or food-and-beverage industries, that is also a great connection to have.

Use a PR Firm

If the budget permits, using a PR firm is a sure way to get your name out there as this will put out press releases when anything newsworthy hits, like a new iteration release or if you will be expanding your space. They can also help your company become a source for reporters covering the craft beer scene who need experts in the industry. A PR team should be able to connect you to these outlets as a key player in the industry.

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At David G. Sayles Insurance Services, we help our clients decide which of these options is best for them based on their current situation and risk factors.  Contact us at 1-855-977-1842 or for a consultation!

About David G. Sayles Insurance Services

At David G. Sayles Insurance Services, we help our clients decide which of these options is best for them based on their current situation and risk factors. Contact us at 1-855-977-1842 or for a consultation!

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